Pantai Menganti, Kebumen

Sebenernya udaha lama perginya, cuma baru sempet mindahin foto fotonya. Menurutku pribadi sih salah satu pantai terbaik di jawa (Kalau di luar jawa jelas banyak yang lebih bagus). Bentangnya luas, pantai berpasir ada, pantai berbukit-tebing, sama yang batuan juga ada.

Infrastrukturnya juga udah nyaman banget. Dari area parkir menuju ke area yang ada walking trailnya udah disediain kendaraan yang include tiket masuk. Di sepanjang walking trailnya pun banyak tempat duduk, ada juga gazebo yang bisa bebas digunain (ngga perlu bayar uang tikar, yang biasanya banyak ada di tempat wisata lain).

Minusnya paling kalo dari jogja, jalanan setelah keluar dari jalur lintas selatan lumayan mengerikan, naik-turun lumayan ekstrim. Tapi ya itu cuma tinggal beberapa kilometer terakhir aja. Oiya kalo dari jogja bisa ditempuh kurang lebih 4 jam.

After a long break again haha, I can’t even promise myself for being actively blogging. So I decided to just do it whenever I want, not to push so hard. But it’s likely that I always come back here even though it needs several month breaks because of that feeling of longing for blogging maybe, that just what I thought because I have that kind of feeling right now.

And from now on I will challenge myself for using english in this blog. Because I have to get used to it. So pardon me if there is still a lot of grammar error.

Two weeks ago, we went to the beach for a little escape. It’s on Gunung Kidul, around 2 hours ride from our place. Actually, it’s a pretty random trip, I ask my other friend just at night before we went. And we just decided where to go on the d-day. Our picked is went to Ngeden beach because it’s not really far compared to other beaches in Gunung Kidul. But still, my body felt cramped because it’s been a while since I rode for a pretty long distance. Ngeden was not really a touristy beach, because of its access was a bit difficult. It can be reached using a car, but I won’t recommend it. Because the last 2 km road still not paved with asphalt and it’s enough for one car, but it can be hard if there’s two car passing.

The beach itself has three different spots that can be reached by just a little walking. That’s why it became my favorite beach.

485069 The first spot is a sandy beach. The water and the sand color is just a perfect combo. 485067 It was a really hot day. 485065.jpgWe went to the cliff first. The cliff itself is the third spot. On the way to the cliff, there’s the second spot. It’s a coral beach. I don’t know if we can go down there. But I thought it just too dangerous because of the high tide and small shore.485066.jpg Finally, the third spot. It’s on the top of the cliff and there’s a hut where we can have rest. This view is from the hut. Beautiful isn’t it?485068.jpg  Before went back, we played for a little while on the sandy beach.

It’s such a nice escape. Because of this covid-19 things, we have a travel restriction for the last few months. But I feel blessed because I live in Jogja, it has a lot of hidden nature spots like this where there are just little people that come, so we can still do the social distancing protocols while enjoying the nature.

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– Lapangan Banteng

Kami kesini untuk kuliah lapangan, karena lapangan banteng merupakan salah satu proyek revitalisasi yang dapat dikatakan berhasil. Dan memang menarik, karena saya melihat ruang-ruang di kawasan ini dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat untuk berbagai aktivitas, dari hanya sekedar duduk-duduk, berolahraga, bermain, dan bahkan saya melihat anak-anak sekolah yang sedang berlatih baris berbaris disini!

Menjelang malam, saya dan teman kembali kesini untuk menyelesaikan beberapa tugas.  Dan kami berencana untuk sholat maghrib di Masjid Istiqlal setelahnya. Maka berangkatlah kami jalan kaki. Dan ternyata, sepertinya kami berjalan dari sisi yang berkebalikan dengan pintu masjid, hahaha. Itu hari pertama perjalanan kami dan kami berjalan lumayan jauh menurut saya. Karena sebelumnya di Jogja saya jarang sekali berjalan kaki.

Karena kami mengunjungi cukup banyak tempat pada kuliah lapangan ini, mungkin saya akan mulai menuliskannya satu persatu, semoga ya semoga bisa selesai.